Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Is There Life After Death
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think this is a well developed discussion, of ian stevenson's work in investigating people's past lives claims.
it's a little long..
Is There Life After Death
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think this is a well developed discussion, of ian stevenson's work in investigating people's past lives claims.
it's a little long..
Did your ability to work get affected by waking up to TTATT?
by stuckinarut2 injust curious.. when you started to wake up to the truth about the truth, did the shock and the whole experience distract you from your usual activities such as performing at your place of work?.
did you become so consumed by researching, and the subsequent factual discoveries, that it affected your ability to carry out daily tasks?.
Brokeback Watchtower
I was consumed with rage and had to take very long walks in the woods talking to myself, I let everything go to pot as I did shit loads of research and found it rather difficult to concentrate on anything else for a while but gradually it returned.
Is There Life After Death
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think this is a well developed discussion, of ian stevenson's work in investigating people's past lives claims.
it's a little long..
Brokeback Watchtower
Plenty of food for thought as they say. Flexibility in one's thinking and speculations about many worlds interpretation possibilities, the possibility this whole universe could just be a computer simulation as proposed by certain men of science, I think could be used to explain some of this after life evidence,.
A little bit about Monistic Idealism:
aterialism and idealism
In his book The Self-Aware Universe: How consciousness creates the material world [1], physicist Amit Goswami sets out to develop a new paradigm, 'a unifying worldview that will integrate mind and spirit into science' (p. 1). He argues against material (or scientific) realism, the philosophy which holds that material reality is the only reality, that all things are made of matter (and its correlates, energy and fields), and that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of matter. Instead, he advocates 'monistic idealism', the philosophy that defines consciousness as the primary reality, the ground of all being, and regards the objects of empirical reality as epiphenomena of consciousness. Although Goswami believes that everything is a modified form of consciousness, he maintains that physical matter is dead and unconscious.
The theosophical tradition – a synthesis of science, religion, and philosophy – proposes that universal nature is essentially a unity, and that consciousness, life, and substance are therefore fundamentally one. It teaches an 'objective idealism': all finite, manifested beings and things are temporary manifestations of the ultimate reality of consciousness-life-substance. The physical world is relatively 'real' for those living in it, but is an illusion (mâyâ) when contrasted with the unlimited and ineffable reality of which it is part. There is no such thing as dead, unconscious matter; physical matter is a crystallized, sleeping form of consciousness-life-substance, and more complex physical forms do not create life but merely allow a greater degree of inner vitality to be expressed through the physical form.
Materialist science has found it extremely difficult to define where the boundary between living and 'nonliving' matter lies. If we regard anything that is subject to change and exchanges matter and energy with its surroundings as alive, then all natural systems are alive for none are absolutely unchanging. Even 'elementary' and supposedly 'structureless' subatomic particles may be just as complex in their own terms as a planet or sun, their complexity being obscured by the fact that they are so minuscule and live at such fantastic speeds in comparison with ourselves.
What Music have you Been Listening to this Last Year ? Post You tubes if you Like !
by flipper in
Is There Life After Death
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think this is a well developed discussion, of ian stevenson's work in investigating people's past lives claims.
it's a little long..
Brokeback Watchtower
Here are a few more experience for those that like that sort of thing.
Is There Life After Death
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think this is a well developed discussion, of ian stevenson's work in investigating people's past lives claims.
it's a little long..
Is There Life After Death
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think this is a well developed discussion, of ian stevenson's work in investigating people's past lives claims.
it's a little long..
Brokeback Watchtower
It’s the fear of death and nothingness after it, which makes them believe in an afterlife. IMO.
It does remove some existential angst and for this reason some choose to believe in an after life. I do believe in an afterlife but I'm not 100% certain, more like 85-90% from what I have read, heard, and seen. Does it give meaning to my life? I would say yes to a degree, and it lessens my feeling of nihilism.
Hey we all may be part of a computer simulation that for what ever reason makes infinite amounts universes with infinite amounts of life, and in another state our consciousness exist after we die until it desires to reincarnate for what ever reason into our realm of consciousness.
I admit I kind of like the idea and find it interesting that so much research has been done.
Is There Life After Death
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think this is a well developed discussion, of ian stevenson's work in investigating people's past lives claims.
it's a little long..
Brokeback Watchtower
I think this is a well developed discussion, of Ian Stevenson's work in investigating people's past lives claims. It's a little long.
New kingdom hall Washington State
by Are you serious inyesterday i drove passed a town a couple of hours from my home and saw this kh under construction.
this is the first new design kh i've seen in washington state even though i would think by now another one or two have been built.
maybe not with their financial situation being the way it is.
Brokeback Watchtower
Kinda hideous and ugly. I don't think it gonna sell for very much when they sell it.